Healing art

Art not only has the power to inspire, stimulate the imagination and inspire certain moods - its therapeutic effect is also used in medicine to support the healing process. Medpark Foundation launches the project "Healing art", to promote this concept in the Republic of Moldova and create a collection of photos that can be used by medical institutions in the country.

Photographic art against stress and pain

Tatiana Mendes, psychotherapist: “The environment in which patients find themselves significantly influences their well-being. Nature landscapes, water, mountains have the power to reduce stress, anxiety and negative thoughts. The person suffering imagines himself in that safe and quiet place, the sensations of pain diminish and the thoughts become clearer. At the same time, appears the feeling of gratitude for the beauty of the earth and thus, the desire to live, to enjoy every moment is amplified.

The Medpark Foundation will fully finance the organization of this project, as well as the decoration of a public medical institution with photos from the project. Also, a series of selected photos will be exhibited inside the Medpark International Hospital.

Elena Mornealo, endocrinologist, President of the Medpark Foundation: “Studies show not only the psychological effect, but also the physical effect that art has on the body. Positive images induce the well-being so much needed by patients, normalize blood pressure, reduce the amount of painkillers administered, promote the recovery process. This project will allow us to apply in practice the experience of hospitals from abroad and to adopt this new concept for our country."

Support the project as a photographer!

Photographers from moldova and from abroad are invited to donate their own works for the collection of photographs that will be made available to medical institutions in order to decorate the interior spaces for patients. The aim is to inspire positive emotions, and the photographs will be approved by a project commission.

Why should you get involved:

  • You will contribute to the promotion of the concept of healing through art in the Republic of Moldova, the project benefiting from visibility in online and TV media;
  • You will receive recognition - the authors' names will accompany all the photos selected in the project, both online and in print;
  • Your works will be published in an online gallery on the Medpark Foundation website.
  • A series of selected photographs will be printed in maximum quality and placed in a selected public hospital, as well as in the Medpark International Hospital, in the form of an exhibition, but also in the inpatient area;
  • Your name will be mentioned on the Medpark Foundation website and Facebook page, on the Medpark Hospital pages, as well as on the partner media sites;
  • The printed photographs will remain exclusively at the disposal of the medical institutions in the country, which will be able to select and print them for their own needs, in accordance with the quality requirements established in the project regulation.

Participate in the project!

Send us the photos that belong to you with copyright and that you consider to be suitable for the project until November 26, 2020, and the results of the contest will be announced on November 27, 2020. See here the Project Regulations with information about the application procedure and how to use photos. The Medpark Foundation guarantees that all photographs and all information transmitted will be used strictly for the purposes listed above.

Each photo donated to the “Healing through Art” project will mean positive emotions for both patients and their families, as well as for medical staff. Thanks in advance to all interested people!